Basics on Data Bases and Data Quality Big Data Data & Knowledge models and techniques/ Dgital knowledgeware/From data to insights/Business analytics

Big Data Value Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda

Il tema del “valore” associate ai big data è di tale importanza che l’unione europea ha fondato la Big Data Value Association, vedi In questo report si può trovare una introdione al tema.


The multiple dimensions of Big Data Value are described, and the overarching strategic objectives for the PPP are set out. These embrace data, skills, legal and policy issues, technology leadership through research and innovation, transforming applications into new business opportunities, acceleration of business ecosystems and business models, with particular focus on SMEs, and successful solutions for the major societal challenges Europe is facing such as Health, Energy, Transport and the Environment. The objectives of the SRIA are broken down into specific competitiveness, innovation and technology, societal and operational objectives.